Apply Workplace Safety And Health In Process Plant
Course Overview
The Workplace Safety and Health Sect. 12 (3) stipulates that “It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure that those person at any work have received adequate instruction, information, training and supervision as is necessary unless he has undergone a safety and health training course approved by the commissioner for Workplace Safety and Health”.
Learners are expected to be self-directed, with a mind to acquire skills and knowledge. They should be able to apply the acquired skill & knowledge in the workplace safety and health practices to ensure the safety of oneself and others at work in the Oil and Petrochemical Industry
Who should attend this course?
The job roles/occupations that this unit would be relevant to may include the following parties related to /in the process industry, but not limited to:
Workers, Foremen, Supervisors, Technicians, Engineers, Etc.
Course Objectives
CE1 – Identify the roles and responsibilities under the Workplace Safety and Health Act
CE2 – Identify and prevent fire and explosion hazards at the workplace
CE3 – Comply with safe work practices and control measures for material handling
CE4 – Comply with safe work practices and control measures for mechanical and electrical works
CE5 – Comply with safe work practices and control measures when working on specialized operations
CE6 – Comply with safe work practices and control measures when working at Heights
CE7 – Comply with safe work practices and control measures when working in a confined space
Assume Skills and Knowledge
Learners will be taught on the practical approach in using various tools, tactics, tips and know-how, contextualised to the needs of different sectors, including building and engineering construction services. Learners will also acquire a deeper skill set as they learn how to match these skills to different situations and have the knowledge and expertise at their disposal.
Trainer to Trainee Ratio
1: 20
Attendance requirements
100% classroom session
Written / Oral Assessment (W/OA)
Practical Performance (PP)
Training Methodology
Slides presentation, sharing of best practice and incident. Hands on practical session.
Assessment Principles
Learner shall be assessed before being Competent
Upon successful completion of the course a Statement of Attainment (SOA) will be awarded by SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG)
Course Venue
No. 3 Soon Lee Street, #01-16, Pioneer Junction, S (627606).
Contact Details
Ph: 63347872
Fax: 63347891
Download the below application forms to register offline. Please complete the application form and send to us back to for registration.