Manage Workplace Safety And Health In Construction Sites

Course Overview

This unit equips learners with knowledge and skills in managing workplace safety and health management system, ensuring safety and health measures are put in place in construction activities and other industries.

Who should attend this course?

The occupations that this unit would be relevant to include but not limited to:

Supervisors, Assessors or Managers who are involved in planning / assessment or management of work activities in construction and other industries.

Course Objectives

  1. Understand the legal obligations of duty holders, including project managers of worksite under the new WSH framework.
  2. Form the WSH Committee and implement its functions.
  3. Plan and implement safety programme, system and safe work procedure for construction activities in accordance with WSH (Construction) Regulations.
  4. Plan and implement an occupational health programme and risk assessment in accordance with general principals and requirements of related WSH Regulations and Guidelines.
  5. Plan and implement risk management for all construction activities in accordance with general principals and requirements of related WSH Regulations and Guidelines
  6. Establish the procedures for accident reporting, accident prevention in accordance with general principals and requirements of related WSH Regulations and Guidelines.
  7. Establish and implement Safety and Health Management System in worksite in accordance with general principals and requirements of related WSH Regulations and Guidelines.
  8. Plan and participate in safety and health audit and review in worksite in accordance with general principals and requirements of related WSH Regulations and Guidelines.

Pre-Requisites / Assume Skills and Knowledge

The Learner should have at least WSQ ESS Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Level 6 and above or equivalent and the knowledge of the construction industry activities.

Learners must be holding the position of Chairman of Safety Committee, Project Manager, Project Engineer, Superintendent or equivalent post to be eligible to attend this course.

Trainer to Trainee Ratio

1: 20 (Classroom)

Attendance requirements



Comprising both Theory and Practical Session

Written Assessment (WA)

Training Methodology

Slides presentation, sharing of best practice and incident. Hands on practical session.

Passing marks

Learner must achieve 75%


Upon successful completion of the course a Statement of Attainment (SOA) will be awarded by SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG)

Course Venue

No. 3 Soon Lee Street, #01-16, Pioneer Junction, S (627606).

Contact Details

Ph: 63347872

Fax: 63347891


*Terms and Conditins apply
Fees: $350+GST
Duration: 34 hours (Training 30 hours, Assessment 4 hour)
Language: english
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